Friday, 29 April 2016

My Personal Diary That Unveils The Story- Does Caffeine Causes Hair Baldness?

I have been working as an advertising professional since past 11 years. The work atmosphere at my work place is pretty comfortable and not bound by limited intake of tea or coffee in a day. Often, we have brainstorming sessions in our cafeteria which keep on for hours together. If you have ever worked in such a work scenario you would know what I am talking about.  I would keep sipping on endless mugs of coffee whilst working, and often keep complaining to my friends I am so very addicted to it that I have compensated coffee with my regular intake of water.

Browsing through a magazine one day at the client’s reception I happen to read an article which turned out to be an eye opener. The article I read spoke volumes about the hair thinness problem that had been surfacing at my personal end too. That’s it! This was the end of my worry to sipping endless mugs of coffees. Know why?
Thinning hair is a problem for 85 percent of men when they turn 50 years of age, Hair loss can affect both men and women. Pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the regular kind of baldness and affects roughly one-third of both men and women. Baldness has numerous causes. Caffeine has a surprising relationship to this condition.

Androgenetic alopecia is a condition which is permanent condition that occurs with time. It begins at the age of 21 and is hereditary. A vanishing hair line and total hair loss on top of the head is typical in men; women too tend to lose hair over the scalp. Other factors that cause baldness is Thyroid issues, pregnancy, medications, hormonal changes, fungal infections of the scalp or diabetes or lupus.
Diet and Baldness

Iron and zinc deficiency cause baldness, severe restrictions of fatty acids. Protein and fatty acids and deficiency of vitamin D can cause hair loss. Caffeine, a bitter substance present in coffee, tea, kola nuts and chocolate has been seen as a cause of baldness.
Baldness and DHT
Baldness occurs when hair follicles are sensitive genetically to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) a product of testosterone. When hair follicles are exposed to DHT for a long duration of time, they start to shrink and stop production of hair. A recent study reported that caffeine stimulates hair growth.
The bottom line
Baldness is a very disturbing condition but there is no proof that caffeine causes baldness and it can help this condition. A few medical treatments that can help androgenetic alopecia is cosmetic solutions and use of wigs .For more information and queries a health care professional should always be consulted. To know an expert hair care professional in Pune, trust on none other than and consult the doctors who understand your requirements ad offer viable solutions for your hair thinning, hair loss and hair fall problem.  Connect with an expert hair specialist now!

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Can Stem Cell Therapy Bring Back Lost Hair?

I am sure you know what stem cells are and what a boon stem cell therapy have been to medical science?

Stem cells in adults are mostly concentrated in bone marrow and more in adipose or fat tissues. Experts in hair transplant are able to gather these fat cells and disinfect them in a centrifuge system by merging the fat cells with PRP along by replacing the lost layer of subcutaneous fat in scalp where the hair follicle emerges. Many factors aid the hair growth process and it is a very complex procedure. Factors that contribute hair growth are:

  •  Genetics
  •  Issues in the environment
  •  Hormonal imbalances
  •  Proper nutrition
  •  Health conditions
  •  Autoimmune disorders (Infections, Iron                deficiency, metabolic issues)

  Male pattern baldness is also known as AGA     (androgenetic alopecia) and it links to the influence in maternal genetics. Commonly most people’s hair grows about ½ inch monthly and people have 100,000-150,000 hair on their scalp. Every strand of hair has elements that contribute to the body being able to grow and maintain healthy hair. 3 different types of hair is produced in the body from the scalp and called terminal hair.

The Basics of Hair Growth for Hair Restoration
Hair growth and loss is constant, our scalp can get rid of hair that’s dead or damaged on a day to day basis. If you have alopecia there will not be hair growth where hair is lost. With age people tend to lose their primary hair on scalp and these are replaced with vellus hair which is similar to baby hair.

The hair growth cycle is made up of three phases.
Phase One-Anagen (Active Growth):
In this phase the hair is growing actively. It lasts from 3-4 years and may prolong to 9 years in some people. If an individual has a short anagen phase then hair begins to thin and becomes finer and can have fewer properties in color. Most hair on the scalp is a part of anagen phase growth and a tiny count of hair is in the other phases of hair growth.

Phase Two-Categen (Regressive Phase):
The categen phase is called as the phase of hair loss and usually lasts for 3-4 weeks. Mostly on an average people shed 75-100 hair. By losing this hair, new hair growth can occur. Hair loss can be associated with brushing and washing hair.

Phase Three-Telogen (Resting Phase):
So, now no more waiting now for hair growth. One can make maximum use of this newly invented stem cell therapy. No more loss of hope on restoring hair.
Enroll yourself to save and preserve your stem cells for future help in medical procedures.

Benefits of Shaving Head for Hair Loss

With age men start to worry about hair loss. As hair starts thinning they try to keep it secretive. They try to use all types of hair thickening products to aid hair growth but when they look at the mirror, they feel that there is no stopping to hair thinning and it’s only a few days away from going bald.

Hair loss can lead to obsession and spend huge sums of money on using many hair products to desperately avoid baldness. But it’s essential to realize that many others say about 25% of men suffer from hair loss by the age of 30 and 60% will face hair loss in their 60’s.Buying hats to cover hair thinning too can become a rage to some men who shy away from the thought of being bald.

Embracing hair loss than being embarrassed about it is good. If you’re considering SMP (scalp micro pigmentation) then shaving the head can be a great solution for you. It works best for people who have a closely shaven scalp.

Well shaving the head can be daunting and scary and constantly worry about what others think of you. Hair loss being a progressive condition many think it’s better to let hair loss happen slowly but some choose to shave it all. People may notice for the fact that they may want to follow your steps of shaving the head as they too are dealing with hair loss and you may be inspiring them to go bald. A shaved head is any day better than thinning hair as it can make you confident and be happy with your physical appearance.

Some more merits of shaving are that you don’t have to waste time in using hair thickening creams and explore new remedies. Also, no more spending time in searching new products and remedies, no more wasting time in battling hair loss.

You can save money if you shave your head as you longer need to spend on lotions, shampoos, gels and any fancy solutions. No more visits to doctor for Propecia prescriptions. No more buying hats to cover hair thinning. The only expenditure would be that of a shaving foam and razor.

Are you facing hair thinning or balding? Would you like to explore more about SMP (scalp micro pigmentation)? Then you should get in touch with a well experienced hair loss physician at iGraft services in Pune orin Delhi  Expert surgeons who have hands on experience and niche will be able to judge the magnitude of the issue and also help you to deal in hair loss and provide you various options for treating baldness.