Thursday, 1 September 2016

Can Stress be the Reason for Hair Loss?

Stress in any form is bad for your body and tends to weaken a person’s state of mind. It’s equally bad for your hair.  In this fast pace world, stress today can be a arising out of varied types of reason, either personal or professional. Stress can further be the reason and cause different types of hair loss that can affect both men and women in any stage of life.

Know how can stress cause hair loss
Stress is a part of everyday life; however the levels of stress may differ in case of every individual. In circumstances under stress our body takes a ‘fight or flight’ response. This reaction allows the body to feel ready and take action in stressful situations and triggers the body to release hormones into the blood stream. This prepares the body to get more alert and prepares it on time to take action.
In some stressful moments we instantly fail to solve the problem and hence the chemicals build up in our body’s bloodstream causing stress. Hair loss is caused to the higher levels of chemicals released due to stress that affect both the hair follicles and the scalp.

Know the different types of hair loss
There are different types of stress related hair loss. In some cases the hair loss becomes more severe with passing time and calls for immediate medical intervention. Worried? Don’t be. You can seek assistance from best hair loss clinic in India.

Telogen Effluvium
The term certainly seems scary to read however to put in simpler words it is the most common form of stress that results to hair loss. Though this condition is not permanent it certainly is an eye opener for one and all to seek assistance for renowned hair regrowth treatment pune.  Due to stress hair does not start to fall out straight away and in the initial phase pushes the hair follicles into a resting phase. Eventually the hair stops growing. In a matter of 3 months the hair begins to fall out.

This is a condition linked with stress. In this condition however stress alone is not the primary reason. In this condition the person feels compelled to pull their hair out. The feeling to pull the hair out can be from the head, eyebrows or eyelashes. This condition sometimes itself is a way to release stress.

Alopecia Areata
This condition arouses from stress and causes hair loss. This condition stems from stress when white blood cells attack hair follicles resulting in rapid hair loss. In this condition the hair usually falls out in patches and it will just be a matter of week and the whole head gets affected.
In some extreme cases body hair can begin to fall out. The hair usually grows back however the case might differ in some instances and treatment may be necessary.
If you believe you too are experiencing similar stress related hair loss its best to seek advice from hair transplant in pune and seek advice on different treatment options.

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